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Project 7 - Maze Generation

Maze generation is a fascinating topic. There are many ways to generate mazes and each one of them generates mazes with its own unique properties. In this blog post, I look some of the ways in which we can generate mazes. Before we can get into any of these algorithms, we must first figure out how our maze is modeled and stored inside our program.  Modelling the maze To get started, we can think of our maze a n by n grid of cells where a cell contains information about its index in the grid. Note: The cell can also contain references to its neighbors. This is helpful when you want to solve the maze using state space search algorithms like Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, etc. Next, we need to be able to store which cells are connected, i.e., which cells do not have a wall separating them. For this we use what is known as an adjacency matrix. The adjacency matrix is a m by m grid where m is the number of cells in our maze = n 2 . In the matrix the value at row i and column j
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Project 6 - State Space Search - 8-Puzzle

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Project 1 - Browser linked list implementation

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